Request an Advance

Use the Advances tab of the Supporting Schedules section to request an advance for an expense authorization.

To request an advance for an expense authorization, complete the following steps:

  1. On the Advances tab of the Supporting Schedules section, click Request Advance.
  2. When the Request Advance screen displays, complete the following fields:
      • Advance Amount — Enter the dollar amount of the advance you are requesting.
      • Date Needed — Enter the date by which you need the advance.
      • Reason — Enter your reason for requesting the advance.
  3. Click Submit to submit your advance request and return to the Advances tab of the Supporting Schedules screen.
    Note: If you already signed and submitted the expense authorization but still need to request an advance, you can open the expense authorization and add the advance request.

    After you submit your advance request, the Request Advance button is inactive, because you can only have one advance request open at a time. To request another advance on a blanket authorization, you must first claim the current advance on an expense report. You can then open the blanket authorization and make another advance request.